
Talking on a letterboard or ipad makes people understand that I am really smart! Please notice that people with autism are upset about not being thought of as intelligent individuals! Many with autism cannot express themselves and they become frustrated.

I wrote the lyrics to ”I Am Here” to show people a little bit of life with autism. My music teacher, Meredith Powers, wrote the music. Please listen!

I Am Here – Lyrics by Ann Hamlin and Music by Meredith Powers

Dealing With The Pandemic

This last year has been a difficult one on everyone, but especially those with autism! I and many of my friends had their lives totally disrupted by Covid-19. We had our day programs canceled. I was not able to attend for over a year the special program I attended in Green Bay called ACE! We miss our friends and our structure! I also have great tactile sensitivity so I can’t wear a mask which limits my social contacts! I would love to just go out and eat at a restaurant! I really hope that people understand how difficult covid is on us with autism.! We like our structure and miss our daily routine! Please be kind to us and be tolerant!

Welcome Back!

Hi everyone! It has been a while since I have made a blog entry! I hope to start writing regularly. There is so much to talk about! Today I want to talk about Covid-19! I have really been down about not being able to travel and socialize with others since March of 2020. I know it has been hard on everyone! I have it better than most! I live with parents that love me and I do a lot of Skype and zoom communications! We have had some outdoor gatherings. I, like all of you, have tried to make the best of the pandemic! Please look out for those lonely and isolated! Especially those of us who are nonverbal! We need to care for each other and communicate that concern!

If I Didn’t Have Autism

I like who I am, but I could be who I am with or without autism! My personality would be the same! My love for country music and poetry would be the same! I would be able to go to college!  I could be more independent if I did not have autism! Socially I would have more opportunities which would be nice! Lack of independence and social opportunities is the worst part of autism! My mind not controlling my body is also a bad part of autism!