Dad got upset with my blog that was really about saying real words when I was angry! It said angry things about what Dad said at lunch! I tried to answer people’s questions! They were really liking Dad’s jokes each time we wanted to talk to each other! People blogged me today because I failed to write yesterday! It was my parent’s upset at my blog. It was better to blog on another day when both angry cooled down. I was too upset to offer interesting opinions! I had a good day other than that! It was hard being mad at my Dad because he is so nice! Egos got in the way! Irritating opinions were in the way! It was learning in opinions 101 I tried! You try it too!
Angry words are some of the hardest for me to express too so I CAN RELATE!!! But, it is so awesome that you have a nice dad who you can disagree with and then it gets over, like a little thunderstorm!!!
Have a great Friday:-)