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It Is Hard To Think Of My Life Without Autism!

Today while playing the Ungame, I was asked what era I would like to live in!  I chose the future when there was a cure for autism!  I, though, would not ever even be able to imagine I could ever be cured of it!  Do I want a cure?  I think so!  It, though, would change everything about my life.  Some things I would not like to change!  I think what I really want is to be who I am without the bad traits of autism!

Keep Up The Good Work!

Really good work you’re doing! Let yourself try!  People like you!  Make every action really pay!  You have very little time left!  You’re great!  If you’re persistent, you will succeed!  Try going for real!  You’re true to yourself!  You’re really too honest!  Trying hard is what you must do!  People, please help!  Understand us!  Yes!  Really understand us!  You’re wonderful!  It gets easier each time!  You’re trying your hardest!  Try hard!  You’re only getting better!

You’re Too Hard On Yourself!

You want people to like you!  People upset you when you let them!  People are real reasonable!  You’re too sensitive in mind!  You’re excited!  People excite you!  People worry you!  You’re wonderful!  People let you down!  Others make fun of you!  People tell pretty lies!  People take you for granted!  People interest you because people try to understand you!  It’s the easy way to really learn about your personality!  Others try to really test you!  You’re so ready to be hard on yourself!  You’re too hard on yourself!


You’re Perfect Just The Way You Are!

You really want to be perfect!  Then agree you’re lovable!  We’re good people on truth, good people with sense, good people with pride, good people with understanding!  Please understand why we’re trying hard to be perfect, we’re trying to be like everyone else!  Take out the autism and we’re as perfect as everyone else!   We’re underestimated all the time!  We’re an excited reason for opportunity!  You’re wonderful!  It’s a poor world if we take only certain people’s opinions!  We have to accept improvement!  You’re perfect inside!

It Is Hard To Accept Why I Can Not Talk!

I used to be able to talk when I was one year old!  I know this by seeing videos of myself!  Why I can not talk now at age 20 is a mystery to me! I wish I could talk again someday!  I really am greatfull for RPM which allows me to get my thoughts out!  I, though, want to talk so bad that it hurts not being able to do so!  It is my wish to do so someday!

Reality Really Tries Having A Good Time!

It seems that we’re trying every day to have a good time!  You’re avoiding the worst things with an understanding that they will watch your other times!  You’re sad because days of awareness try to interrupt your thoughts!  People need laughter.  People get sad.  Keep the laughter!  The laughter is what keeps us going!  It needs the laughter when the sadness is real bad!  You’re too loyal to express good times to everyone like you!  It’s people like you who need laughter!  It’s a reality!  People, let’s laugh!  We’re laughing!

Easy To Say!

I was talking to my young friend using RPM!  He used RPM too!  Your easy to greet!  Your easy to give support!  I really liked talking to him!  Time flew by!  Each of us enjoyed the conversation!  Real conversation!  We tried going to Green Bay at the same time!  Time means we cannot talk to each other!  You can talk to your friends whenever you want!  I get to talk to my friends only when they are in Green Bay!  We want to talk more often!  Please easy to say!  People, we’re out of luck!  Train everyone in using RPM!