It was nice this weekend to argue with my parents and have them respect my opinion! My Dad even apologized to me about a time when he thought I was not listening and I was! I feel it is good to disagree in a respectable manner! It is time we as a country do the same!
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It Is Great To Have A Day With Friends And Family!
It is nice to be with friends and family as I was yesterday for the fourth! We ate well, we laughed, and we talked with me using the letter board! I now can fully participate with the conversation! I am so pleased to do that! I no longer feel isolated when I am with others! You can do the same!
It Is Nice To Have Others Agree With Me!
Today, my Aunt Kathy said she agreed with the good blog I wrote when I was mad at my Dad! People said, you have every right to be mad! I’m aware that we will not always agree! Yet it’s great being everyone’s agreement for a change! You want agreement in the worst way to be a friend! Being a friend means agreeing on everything important! People agree to disagree! People, try to really agree with each other!
The Hardest Thing To Do!
It is hard to communicate with others when I do not talk! I need my letter board and someone who knows how to hold it! I wish I could just talk like everyone else! I really want to talk, just can not do it! It is very frustrating! It bothers me a lot! Maybe someday I will be able to talk!
Helping A Friend!
I helped a friend today! The friend was in ACE doing a RPM session! A Skype session was started with each of us! Aim to let us have a terrific conversation! We asked questions and really were nice in utilizing our boards! Great time!
It Is Good To Express Your Anger In A Constructive Way!
I was very angry the other night with my parents! They allowed me to talk it out with them! I was able to calm down and accept not everything will work out the way I would like! It is good to let your feelings be known! I am so thank full that I now can do that! Yes!
Tonight Every Day Excites Both Of My Parents
Dad got upset with my blog that was really about saying real words when I was angry! It said angry things about what Dad said at lunch! I tried to answer people’s questions! They were really liking Dad’s jokes each time we wanted to talk to each other! People blogged me today because I failed to write yesterday! It was my parent’s upset at my blog. It was better to blog on another day when both angry cooled down. I was too upset to offer interesting opinions! I had a good day other than that! It was hard being mad at my Dad because he is so nice! Egos got in the way! Irritating opinions were in the way! It was learning in opinions 101 I tried! You try it too!
I Had A Great Weekend In Green Bay!
I had fun on my trip to Green Bay! We were there to learn more RPM skills! It is always helpful to meet with Erika! She is able to notice things that we were doing wrong and corrected us! I think it is always good to have training to notice what we are doing right and wrong! We can all learn that way!
Today I Want To Write About Camp!
Today I finished my camp! I enjoyed it very much! I almost did not go the second week because I had a bad day last Thursday! It just goes to show that if you quit to early, you can miss out on something special! I think that happens to many times! Just because you have a bad experience that does not mean you can not have a good experience at another time!
This Is A Great Understanding!
People like real relationships! Girls like friends! It’s real hard to make friends when you can’t talk to them or ask questions! Let’s live please! Hear your dear friend’s thoughts! Please! Really important to communicate! It’s great other people read! It’s your time, let’s work on what is really important! It’s worth the time!