I have the best father in the world! He listens to me! He supports me when I need it the most! He is there for me! He likes being with me! I enjoy being with him! He works hard to support my family! He puts my needs ahead of his own! It is lovely to have him as a father!
Author Archives: ahamlinrpm@gmail.com
It Was A Terrible Ending!
People, please be nice to those with autism! Everyone was working on people’s skills in the school to really understand them! It really was worth while. In the end, people understood your story! Let’s expect the best from those with autism! That gives us wonderful lives! Let’s make great endings please! Let’s give everyone your respect! Really take talking in youre trust! Let’s really talk with respect!
It Is Nice To Tell People That I Am Upset!
I was upset today over the lack of understanding the people I was with had about my physical limitations! It was nice to be able to communicate this to my parents! Prior to knowing RPM they would not have known that I was unhappy! It made me feel better to talk about it! Other people who have autism cannot do this, that is why RPM is so important!
I Am On Water That Does Not Have Any Sea Gulls Flying Around It!
It is hard to be in a world that does not accept people that are not verbal! I want to communicate but it is difficult when I have to use a letter board! It takes longer for me to get my thoughts out! I sometimes feel like I am out to sea by myself and life is going on faster than I can! I need to have more days that I can savor! Is today the best day of your life!
Understanding The Way We Relate
You’re the real deal! You try to work pretty hard each day! Everyone is interested in real relationships! They want good friends and friends they ask to a date! It’s hard on you when you talk with letterboards! People want everyone to be independent! It’s like we’re too dependent! People ordinarily operate on their own but we need help! Just imagine if you didn’t talk or couldn’t understand others real well or read, it would be very impossible to have relationships! You have to learn good memory skills in order to interact using a letterboard! You’re working on RPM to communicate!
It Is My Last Day Of School For The Year!
It was a great year! I had a lot of fun this year! The year went by fast! I am going to miss my teacher. She will be teaching the younger children next year! I have a difficult time with change! Yet I know change is part of life! But I do not have to like it! Very few people like change! I know I will be leaving next year which will be difficult for my parents! There will be a day when we will be all together again!
It Is Nice To Be Appreciated For My Opinions!
Today I read a letter from the mother of a friend who attends my school! She said nice things about my rpm! It is nice to be appreciated for what I have to say! It makes me want to work harder and accomplish more! It is so great to be treated with respect!
A Time To Operate Like A Machine!
I have trouble when I have to express my feelings! It does not come out very good! It often presents in a bizarre manner totally different then I mean for it to be! Yet I have emotions like everyone else! Please remember that I am not a machine!
People Are Excited About Working!
They really do want to teach RPM! People like your understanding of everything! They enjoy true communication. Your telling them usual things to purpose their lives! You really should try RPM! Please try RPM! It will be the greatest you’ve ever done! You can do it!
It’s Great To Be Able To Enjoy The Weekends!
I had another great weekend! I was able to be with a lot of friends and family, it was fun to communicate to them! The days go by so fast when your having fun! It is important to enjoy each day and each person you come in contact with! I know that it is difficult, but is important! It is what makes life important!