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There Are Young People Everywhere!

Their terrific opinions were on questions asked through RPM!  Opinions are theirs!  Usual responses were expected!  It was a positive experience!  It ended too soon!  You should try to talk using RPM!  It’s the young person’s time to talk!  Please really take people’s opinions seriously!  You’re wonderful!  People expect you to really tell every thing possible!  You tell your story!  Tell your true story!

Interesting Times In Mothers Life!

People often like to blame their mother for everything that goes wrong in their lifes!  This is because it’s peoples way of not taking responsibility for their actions.  It is easy to blame mothers because they  will not fight back and often blame themselves too!  We need to be kinder to them!  They love us unconditionally!  Thank you Mom  I love you!



It Is Extra Nice To Beat The System!

It is hard when you live to please others and not yourself!  It’s the way of life for those with autism.  We have to adhere to others and their rules even if those do not make sense to us!  It’s nice when we have a moment where we have the world play by our rules!  Like today when I was trying my parents’ patience!  I was able to get my way and eat when I wanted to, not at their set time!  When I get little victories like that, I feel I have beaten the system!

People Think RPM Is Too Controversial!

It’s too good to be true!  It’s really too good!  Youre opinion asks what RPM lets people think!  People think we’re not smart and too weird to say something intelligent!  I trust youre opinions to be more open minded!  You will try to understand that we’re people too!  It’s important to realize that people with autism are smart!  People try to assume good things are like stories made up!  The truth is understanding!

Have A Great Life!

How do we go about having a great life?  We can let other people tell us how to live, or we can take control of our life!  We can like that others tell us what to do or we can voice our own opinion!  I chose to have my opinion be heard!  I want to have a great life!  Let your opinions be heard!

It’s Hard To Live With Having No Voice!

It is not fun to have nobody hear what you want to say!  That is what my life was prior to learning RPM!  It is hard to hear others talk and you want to jump into the conversation, but you can’t because no one will understand you!  I am so grateful that people can now hear what I have on my mind.  I love being able to communicate my thoughts every day!  I enjoy talking with others.  It is a feeling of freedom from the prison my mind was in!  I really hope all will be able to be heard!  It is hard to see others not being heard!