You’re wonderful! You’re intelligent! You’re energetic! Other people tell you that you are as true as the grass is green! Was it yesterday that you tried to use your voice to talk? Each time you tried to talk, people asked you what you wanted! You wanted to talk! Please try RPM! Easy to question it if you want! You really should try it! You’re awesome totally!
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It Is Living On The Reality That I Have limitations That Bothers Me!
It is difficult to realize that I can not do what others do. I see them going to dates independently. I need my parents to be with me to assist with the communication. This interferes with any private communication! This troubles me! This is an issue you take for granted if you do not have autism. I hope someday to be able to communicate independently without the need of anyone holding a letter board!
The Awareness Of The Word!
Words tell a story about a real person! Real people want real words! Are you one of them? Are dead people reading your words? I don’t think they are! Real people want real words! Words tell a wonderful real story! The story is yours. Tell it! You’re wonderful! Tell your story!
Say What You Think!
I try your friend’s patience when I use my letterboard! You think everyone takes too long to communicate! Your other words have too little meaning! People really like to talk! It is real easy for them! We’re asking people to open their minds to real communication! People want to understand each word I use when I talk with my letterboard. They want questions to bring answers. We’re real happy to answer them. You can try helping by listening.
It Is Great To Be Heard!
I enjoy being heard by people! People like to hear what I think! It is nice to be heard and know that they value my opinion about the topic being discussed. The feedback and the thoughtfulness they have with their comments!
It Is Nice To Be Right!
I like being right about my answers regarding questions asked of me! Including how I work the math problem. It gives me a feeling of accomplishment! This is the key to successful living! We all need to succeed at something! We all can succeed! Success can be contagious! We will succeed!
Your Parents Want You Trying Very Hard!
Your parents try to work with you! They want you to really do well! They want what is best for you! A real wonderful time will happen when you learn to communicate with them! Try questions to learn more about them! It will help you realize they want you to succeed!
Write Plenty Of The Thoughts You Have!
I used to keep my thoughts to myself because I did not know how to communicate. I now because of RPM communicate thoughts and my beliefs! I really am having some great moments with being able to communicate! You can do it to!
To Have a Voice!
I want to work on people’s real issues! I really let real life issues influence the way I act towards others! We question everything! We’re really very interested in asking whatever we want. There wasn’t a time when we used your words! You want other people respect the thoughts people with autism have regarding the world! You want to be taken seriously You need to have a voice!
It Looks Like Spring!
Keep working! You’re really too young paying attention too always realize your opinion! Please offer your opinions whenever you like whenever you want! You’re really wonderful! People question your abilities, but you’re really intelligent! Please enjoy the warm weather!